Text Filling

Text Filling

Text filling is a feature that similar text wrapping by not only wrapping text to fit within a specified width but also by returning the wrapped text as a single string, with lines joined by newline characters (\n). This is particularly useful when you need to display or output text as a formatted block, such as in console applications, log files, or text-based UI components.

Basic Usage

The most straightforward use of text filling is to take a block of text and format it to a specific width. This can be done easily with TextWrap.

const filled = textwrap.fill("This is a long line of text that needs to be wrapped properly without cutting words in half.");


This is a long line of text that needs to be wrapped properly without
cutting words in half.

In this example, the text is filled at 70 characters (devault value), ensuring that no words are cut off unless they exceed the maximum width.

Custom Width

If you want to fill the text based on the desired width, consider the following example:

const filled = textwrap.fill("This is a long line of text that needs to be wrapped properly without cutting words in half.", 25);


This is a long line of
text that needs to be
wrapped properly without
cutting words in half.
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