Text Shortening

Text Shortening

Text shortening is an essential feature when working with content that needs to fit within a restricted space, such as in user interfaces, data summaries, or previews. The shorten method in TextWrap is designed to truncate a text string to a specified maximum length, adding a customizable placeholder (such as ellipses) to indicate that the text has been shortened.

Basic Usage

The most straightforward use of text shortening is to truncate text to a specific length. Here’s how you can achieve this with TextWrap.

const text = "This is a long piece of text that needs to be shortened for display purposes.";
const shortened = textwrap.shorten(text, 30);


This is a long piece of [...]

In this example, the text is shortened to 30 characters, to ensure that no words are truncated, and if it exceeds the maximum width will add a placeholder.

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