Text Wrapping

Text Wrapping

Text wrapping is a fundamental feature of TextWrap, allowing you to neatly format text by breaking it into multiple lines without splitting words haphazardly.

Basic Usage

At its core, text wrapping in TextWrap involves breaking a long string of text into multiple lines, each with a maximum width specified by the user. The basic usage is straightforward:

const wrapped = textwrap.wrap("This is a long line of text that needs to be wrapped properly without cutting words in half.");


  'This is a long line of text that needs to be wrapped properly without',
  'cutting words in half.'

In this example, the text is wrapped at 70 characters (devault value), ensuring that no words are cut off unless they exceed the maximum width.

Custom Width

If you want to wrap the text based on the desired width, consider the following example:

const wrapped = textwrap.wrap("This is a long line of text that needs to be wrapped properly without cutting words in half.", 25);


  'This is a long line of',
  'text that needs to be',
  'wrapped properly without',
  'cutting words in half.'
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